Management and Treatment of Gastritis (War’m-e-Meda) with Herbal Remedies: An Overview
Stomach complaints are still a common health problem. Among them, gastritis affects 25-33% of the total population of India, of which most of them belong to the age group of 15-50 years. There are two types of gastritis - acute and chronic. Acute gastritis is a mucosal inflammatory process that may be asymptomatic. Chronic gastritis is one of the most common serious epidemic infections, e.g. peptic ulcer or gastric ulcer. In the Unani system of medicine, gastritis is also known by many names: Hurqat-e-Meda, Sozish-e-Meda, Warm-e-Meda, and Ilttehab-e-Meda. Gastritis is most commonly caused due to metabolic stress, drug intake, and corrosive injuries. Other factors such as tobacco consumption, psychosocial stress, and nutritional factors also play an important role in its occurrence. We will discuss in detail the efficacy of some Unani herbal drugs in acute and chronic gastritis.
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Mazhar SA, Nazmeen, Anjum R, Anwar AI, Khan AA, Riaz R. Management and Treatment of Gastritis (Warm-e-Meda) with Herbal Remedies: An Overview. J Integ Comm Health. 2022;11(1):22-24.
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