Effect of Video-assisted Teaching on Knowledge of Staff Nurses regarding Lamaze Breathing Exercises during the First Stage of Labour to Improve Maternal and Foetal Outcome among Primi Parturient Mothers
Background: The present study was conducted to assess the impact of video aided teaching on knowledge gain of staff nurses regarding lamaze breathing exercises throughout the first stage of labour.
Method: An experimental research design was chosen with pre-test and post-test of experimental and control group. The sample size was sixty registered staff nurses divided into two groups, thirty in experimental and thirty in control group. The tools used for conducting the study included demographic data and a self structured questionnaire to assess knowledge of experimental and control group. The experimental group was given video assisted teaching as an intervention and the control group was used for comparison without intervention.
Result: The data were analysed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. The study clearly shows that there was a significant gain in knowledge of staff nurses of the experimental group with video assisted teaching that emphasises the lamaze breathing exercises during first stage of labour are safe measures to enhance maternal and foetal outcomes.
Conclusion: The staff nurses are benefited with video assisted teaching to enhance knowledge and they can use the breathing exercises during first stage of labour to promote comfort to labouring women and also minimise the use of medication and risk of LSCS during labour.
How to cite this article:
Nagvanshi S, Linson CC. Effect of Video-assisted Teaching on Knowledge of Staff Nurses regarding Lamaze Breathing Exercises during the First Stage of Labour to Improve Maternal and Foetal Outcome among Primi Parturient Mothers. Ind J Holist Nurs 2020; 11(4): 12-18.