Journal of Holistic Nursing (ISSN: 2348-2133)2024-06-07T11:48:56+00:00Advanced Research Publicationsadmin@adrpublications.inOpen Journal SystemsIndian Journal of Holistic Nursing of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding home remedies in reducing dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls studying at MMINSR SKIMS, Soura.2023-12-03T17:55:40+00:00Danishta Malikdanishtamalik1997@gmail.comMunira Kachroodanishtamalik1997@gmail.comKhurshida<p>The study was conducted with the aim to assess the knowledge of adolescent girls regarding home remedies in reducing dysmenorrhea so that awareness programme could be formed to make adolescents girls aware about it.<br />Title of the study: “A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding home remedies in reducing dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls studying at MMINSR SKIMS, Soura Srinagar.”<br />Objectives: To assess the pre-test and post-test knowledge of adolescent girls regarding home remedies in reducing dysmenorrhea, to compare the pre-test and post-test knowledge scores and to find the association between pre-test knowledge scores and their selected demographic/clinical variables (age, residence, type of family, fathers education, fathers occupation, mothers education, mothers occupation, age at menarche, duration of menstrual periods, type of menstrual flow, pattern of menstrual cycles, whether a case of dysmenorrhea).<br />Methodology: Pre experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used in the present study on 50 B.Sc. Nursing 3rd semester and 2nd year female students of MMINSR, SKIMS, selected by purposive sampling technique. A Self-structured questionnaire was used to collect data.<br />Pre-test was conducted on day one followed by the administration of intervention on the same day using video assisted teaching programme regarding home remedies in reducing dysmenorrhea. Post-test was conducted on day four.</p> <p>Findings related to demographic and clinical variables. The findings of the present study revealed that Majority (80%) of the study subjects were in the age group of <22 years. Maximum (68%) of subjects belonged to rural areas. Majority (84%) number of study subjects belonged to nuclear families. About half (48%) of the study subjects had fathers’ educational status of graduation and above. Maximum (60%) of the subjects had their father’s occupation<br />as Government employees. About half (50%) of the study subjects had mothers with primary education. Majority (88%) of the mothers of study subjects are homemakers.<br />Maximum (72%) of the study subjects attained menarche before age of 14 years. About half (54%) of study subjects had menstrual periods lasting for 3-5 days. Maximum (74%) of the study subjects were having moderate menstrual periods. Majority (84%) of the study subjects were having regular menstrual periods Half (42%) of the study subjects complained of dysmenorrhea Findings related to knowledge level: On pre-test scores, maximum (64%) of the subjects had poor knowledge, whereas only 36% had average knowledge and none of the study subjects had good knowledge. On posts test scores all (100%) of the subjects had good knowledge and noneof the subjects had poor or average knowledge.</p> <p><strong>How to cite this article:</strong><br />Malik D, Kachroo M, Akhtar K, Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Home Remedies in Reducing Dysmenorrhea Among Adolescent<br />Girls Studying at MMINSR SKIMS, Soura. Ind J Holist Nurs. 2023;14(4):28-35.</p> <p><em><strong> DOI:</strong></em></p>2024-03-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing (ISSN: 2348-2133) of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Child Abuse Among Mothers of Children Who Were Admitted in Paediatric Wards at SKIMS, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir2023-12-03T18:11:49+00:00Gazala javidgazalajavidbhat199702@gmail.comMunira<p>Background: Child abuse (also called child endangerment or child maltreatment) is physical, sexual, and/or psychological maltreatment or neglect of a child or children, especially by a parent or a caregiver. Child abuse may include any act orfailure to act by a parent or a caregiver that results in actual or potential harm to a child and can occur in a child›s home, or in the organizations, schools, or communities, the child interacts with. Child abuse in the Kashmir is a pervasive problem.<br />Physical, verbal, sexual, and emotional abuse are all common. Structured teaching programme is most feasible intervention to decrease the morbidity and mortality.<br />Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness structured teaching programme on knowledge among mothers regarding child abuse at SKIMS, Srinagar<br />Objectives:<br />1. To assess the pre-test knowledge score of mothers of children admitted in Paediatric wards regarding child abuse<br />2. To assess the post-test knowledge score of mothers of children admitted in Paediatric wards regarding child abuse after implementation of structured teaching programme<br />3. To compare pre-test and post-test knowledge score of mothers of<br />children admitted in Paediatric wards regarding child abuse after implementation of structured teaching programme .<br />4. To find out the association of pre-test knowledge score among mothers of children admitted in Paediatric wards with their selected Methodology: A quantitative, one group pre-test post-test design was used to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge among 60 mothers of children regarding child abuse admitted in Paediatric wards SKIMS Srinagar. The study subjects were selected by using purposive sampling technique. A self-structured interview schedule was used to assess the pre-test and post-test<br />knowledge of study subjects. After establishing validity and reliability (r=0.98) of the tool, pre-test was carried out on day 1st and on the same day, structured teaching programme was given. Post-test was carried out on 4th day.<br />Results: Highest number of study subjects (58.33%) belonged to age group of 25-30 years, maximum number of study subject were illiterates (31.77%) and house wives (56.77%), Equal number of study subjects belonged to rural areas and were from nuclear families (55%) whereas 45% of study subjects belonged to urban area and were from joint families. On pre-test knowledge score, majority of the study subjects (86.7%) had inadequate knowledge,<br />13.3% had average knowledge and none of the study subjects had adequate knowledge regarding child abuse whereas on post-test, all the study subjects (100%) had<br />adequate knowledge. The mean post- test knowledge scores of the study subjects regarding child abuse was significantly higher (53.76±2.45) than that of the mean pre-test knowledge scores (23.01±4.47) and t-test (56.10) was significant at 0.05 level of significance which indicates that there was significant difference between pre-test and post-test mean knowledge score. There was statistical significant association of the pre-test knowledge scores of study subjects with their demographic variables like educational status, type of family and occupation (p <0.05).<br />Conclusion: The study concluded that the knowledge level of mothers of children regarding child abuse improved after the administration of structured teaching programme.</p> <p><strong>How to cite this article:</strong><br />Javid G, Kachroo M, Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Child Abuse Among Mothers of Children Who Were Admitted in Paediatric Wards at SKIMS, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. Ind J Holist Nurs. 2023;14(4):20-27.</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong></p>2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing (ISSN: 2348-2133) of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Legal Issues of Mental Health Among B.SC. Nursing 2nd Year Students of MMINSR, SKIMS, Soura Srinagar2023-12-03T18:25:29+00:00 Assia Haleemaassiahaleema@gmail.comPerkash Kourassiahaleema@gmail.comMohd.Ayub Darassiahaleema@gmail.comMuneera Kachrooassiahaleema@gmail.comOcean Tikkuassiahaleema@gmail.comInsha<p>Background: Law is a set of rules that are created and are enforceable by social or governmental institutions to regulate behaviour. According to current mental health laws, Mental health nurses are held accountable to practice .To make sure they are legally protected; it is important for mental health nurses to stay up to date on legal aspects/issues in their field. Legal issues are what the nurse must tail as a law in a professional way or the duties of nurses legally permitted with the care of patients with physical and mental illness .The present study aimed to assess the knowledge of B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students regarding Legal issues in mental health.<br />Objectives: The objectives of the study were ; To assess the pre-test knowledge score of B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students regarding the legal issues in mental health , to assess the post -test knowledge score of B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students regarding legal issues in mental health, to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program by comparing pretest and post-test knowledge scores of nursing 2nd year students regarding legal issues in mental health, to find out the association of pre -test knowledge score of B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students regarding legal issues in mental health with selected demographic variables ( Age <br />in years, gender, area of residence, type of family, father’s education, mother’s education, occupation of father, occupation of mother, any information regarding legal issues in mental health).<br />Materials and Methods: A Pre- experimental research design was used to conduct the study on 70 B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students, selected by using purposive/ total enumerative sampling technique at MMINSR SKIMS Soura Srinagar, Kashmir. Self-structured knowledge questionnaire was used for data collection which consists of two sections. section I consists of Socio demographic data (such as Age in years, gender, area of residence type of family, father’s education, mother’s education, occupation of father, occupation of mother, <br />any information regarding legal issues in mental health (9 items) and section II consist of knowledge related to legal issues in mental health which further consists of four parts and total of 50 items . In total, the maximum score was 50 and the minimum score was 0. Data was analysed using Microsoft excel and SPSS version 26 (descriptive and inferential statistical tests).</p> <p>Results: The findings of the study revealed that maximum of the study subjects 61.43% were in the age 21 years, maximum 64.29% of the study subjects were males, majority 71.43% of the study subjects belonged to rural area, 54.29% of study subjects were living in joint family, <br />majority 75.71% fathers of the study subjects were graduate and above, 41.43% of mothers of the study subjects were graduate and above, maximum 68.57% fathers of the study subjects were govt employees, 44.29% of mothers of the study subjects were govt employees and none of the study subjects had any information regarding legal issues in mental health. The mean post-test knowledge score of the study subjects regarding legal issues in mental <br />health was (42.16±6.547) which was significantly higher than mean pretest knowledge score (15.14± 7.486) at 0.05 level of significance( p=0.001).This indicated that the “structured teaching program” was effective in increasing the knowledge of study subjects regarding legal issues in mental health.</p> <p>Conclusion: The findings of the study concluded that knowledge of study subjects regarding legal issues in mental health was inadequate, therefore structured teaching program was effective in enhancing their knowledge. Hence, it can be concluded that knowledge of study subjects regarding legal issues in mental health after implementation of structured teaching program has increased.</p> <p><strong>How to cite this article:</strong><br />Haleema A, Kour P, Dar M A, Kachroo M, Tikku O, Bashir I. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Legal Issues of Mental Health Among Nursing 2nd Year Students of MMINSR, SKIMS, Soura Srinagar. Ind J Holist Nurs. 2023;14(3):13-19.</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong></p>2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing (ISSN: 2348-2133) Quasi Experimental Study Assess Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on Knowledge Regarding Impact of Mobile Phone Dependency on Health and Academics Among Adolescents Aged Between 13-18 Years Studying in Selected Schools, of District Hisar, Haryana2024-03-26T11:44:57+00:00Geeta<p>A Quasi Experimental study Assess Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on Knowledge regarding Impact of Mobile Phone Dependency On Health and Academics Among Adolescents Aged Between 13-18 years Studying In Selected Schools, Of District Hisar, Haryana. The study was conducted on 60 students, out of them 30 for experimental group and 30 for control group chosen by purposive method. A self structured knowledge questionnaire tool was used. A self instructional module was prepared on impact of mobile phone dependency on health and academics. The study result revealed that experimental group pre test knowledge score mean was 13.80, S.D. 4.730 and control group knowledge score mean was 13.267, S.D, 5.225. The self instructional module was only given to the experimental group and after 1 week post test was taken. In post test of experimental group knowledge score mean was 22.33, S.D. 5.827 and control group knowledge score mean was 15.50, S.D. 4.918. The post test score is higher than pre test score and the mean difference between experimental group pre test and post test was 8.53 and between control group pre test and post test was 2.24 so, the mean difference of experimental group was higher shows the effectiveness of self instructional module in the form of booklet. The paired T test value was 7.661and the result was significant.</p> <p><strong>How to cite this article:</strong><br />Rani G, Poonam. “A Quasi Experimental Study Assess Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (Sim) on Knowledge Regarding Impact of Mobile Phone Dependency on Health And Academics Among Adolescents Aged Between 13-18 Years Studying in Selected Schools, of District Hisar,Haryana. Ind J Holist Nurs. 2023;14(4):1-12.</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong></p>2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing (ISSN: 2348-2133) and Perceived Challenges of Home Care Management Among Caregivers of Mentally Ill Patients in a Selected Psychiatric Hospital of Srinagar with a View to Develop a Pamphlet2024-06-07T11:48:56+00:00Insha Bashirinshabashirmanda770@gmail.comMohd Ayub Darinshabashirmanda770@gmail.comPerkash Kourinshabashirmanda770@gmail.comMunira Kachrooinshabashirmanda770@gmail.comYuman Kawoosinshabashirmanda770@gmail.comMinha Bashirinshabashirmanda770@gmail.comOcean Tikkuinshabashirmanda770@gmail.comAssia<p><strong>Background :</strong> The study was conducted with the aim of assessing the knowledge and perceived challenges of home care management among caregivers of mentally ill patients so that informational aid in the form of a pamphlet could be prepared to incredibly improve their knowledge regarding home care management of mentally ill patients in order to help them grow efficiently. <br><strong>Objective:</strong> To assess caregivers’ knowledge and challenges in home care for mentally ill patients. To determine the relationship between knowledge and caregiving challenges for mentally ill patients. To examine the association between knowledge, challenges, and caregivers’ sociodemographic variables. <br>Material and Methods: A quantitative descriptive research was conducted at IMHANS, Srinagar, Kashmir, with 80 samples selected <br>via non-probability purposive sampling. Data was collected using a self-structured interview and the “Zarit Burden Interview” scale, then analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.<br><strong>Results:</strong> The study found 91.2% had good knowledge, 5.0% average, and 3.8% poor. Moderate to severe burden affected 56.2%, mild to moderate 35.0%, severe 5.0%, and no to mild 3.8%. A strong positive correlation existed between knowledge and caregiving challenges (r = 0.809, p < 0.001). Significant associations were found with education (p = 0.002) and income (p = 0.014); challenges also correlated with income (p = 0.046). <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Despite good knowledge, caregivers faced moderate to severe burdens. Knowledge didn’t reduce caregiving challenges. The study suggests organizing health camps, teaching programs, and providing informational aids to enhance caregivers’ knowledge of home care management.</p> <p><strong>How to cite this article:</strong><br>Bashir I, Dar M A, Kour P, Kachroo M, Kawoos Y, <br>Minha B, Tikku O, Haleema A. Knowledge and <br>Perceived Challenges of Home Care Management <br>Among Caregivers of Mentally Ill Patients in a <br>Selected Psychiatric Hospital of Srinagar with a <br>View to Develop a Pamphlet<br>Ind J Holist Nurs. 2023;14(4):1-7.</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong></p>2024-06-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing (ISSN: 2348-2133)