Quality of Life of Infertile Women Attending Infertility Clinic Skims, Soura
Infertile women, Quality of life, Infertility Clinic, FertiQol, Infertility treatment.Abstract
Background: Infertility affects millions of people of reproductive age
worldwide, and it has an impact on their families and communities. The
absolute number of couples affected by infertility increased from 42.0
million in 1990 to 48.5 million in 2010. Disrupting fertility ultimately
leads to stress for the woman. We conducted the study to assess the
quality of life of infertile women.
Methodology: A quantitative research approach with descriptive de-
sign was used to select 80 infertile women through non-probability
convenient sampling. Assessment of Quality of Life was done by using
self-structured interview schedule and FertiQol. Setting of the study
was Infertility Clinic, SKIMS, Soura.
Results: The findings of the present study revealed that higher number
of respondents (60%) had low QoL, whereas 26.3% had good QoL and
minimum number of respondents 13.8% had better QoL. The mean
score of fertiQoL domains which was the most affected with lowest
score were emotional domain (32.9± 18.1) and mind body domain
(35.8 ± 16.6) compared to relational, social domain (68.2 ± 10.0 and
42.1 ± 12.6) Enviroment (62.4 ± 10.1) and Tolerability (64.1 ± 16.5)
respectively. There is a significant relationship between respondents’
quality of life scores and socio-demographic and clinical variables for
age, place of residence, duration of marriage, duration of childlessness,
and infertility treatment initiation (p-value = 0.05).
Conclusion: All infertile women experienced a reduction in their Qual-
ity of Life. The maximum number of respondents had a low quality
of life due to trauma from childlessness, emotional instability, stress,
and an inability to cope with the condition. The emotional and mind-
body domains were the most affected across all domains, suggesting
a need for significant improvement in specific counselling modalities
to enhance treatment.
How to cite this article:
Nazir I, Kachroo M, Annu S, Bashir N, Sharma
N, Ismail S, Hijazi R, Hamid H, Falak N, Farooq
S, Wani J, Jaileel A. Quality of Life of Infertile
Women Attending Infertility Clinic Skims, Soura.
Ind J Holist Nurs. 2024;15(3):1-8.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2348.2133.202401
Infertility [Internet]. Who.int. [cited 2024 Mar 15]. Available from: https://www.who.int/health-topics/ infertility
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