Knowledge and attitude of adolescent students regarding voluntary blood donation: Impact of an awareness programme (J& K, India)
Knowledge, attitude, voluntary blood donation, Awareness programme, Adolescent studentsAbstract
Background: Every year Millions of people rely on the generosity of another person to receive blood due to various health care reasons like road traffic accidents, surgeries, uncontrolled bleeding and some disease conditions like sickle cell anaemia. The need for blood and blood products is rising in all parts of the world. Availability of safe blood and blood products is a critical aspect in improving the general health care of the population. The study was aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude of adolescent Students regarding Voluntary blood donation so that awareness programme could be administered to make adolescents Students aware about it.
Methodology: A Pre experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used on 60 adolescent students, who were selected by using purposive sampling technique at Boys Higher Secondary School Soura, Srinagar. A self-structured questionnaire and 3- Point Likert scale was administered to study subjects to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding voluntary blood donation.
Results: On pertest, majority of the study subjects (88.3%) had inadequate knowledge, whereas only 11.7% had moderately adequate knowledge and none of the study subjects had adequate knowledge. On post-test majority (91.7%) of the study subjects had adequate knowledge, 8.3% had moderately adequate knowledge and none of the study subjects had inadequate knowledge towards voluntary blood donation. On pertest, majority of the study subjects (88.3%) had negative attitude, whereas only 11.7% had neutral attitude and none of the study subjects had positive attitude. On post-test majority (78.3%) of the study subjects had positive attitude, 21.7% had neutral attitude and none of the study subjects had negative attitude towards voluntary blood donation.
Conclusion- The findings of the study concluded that on pre-test adolescent students had inadequate knowledge and negative attitude regarding voluntary blood donation. It may be due to lack of exposure and education. On Post –test all the adolescent students had adequate knowledge and improved attitude regarding voluntary blood donation. Thus, intervention was effective.
How to cite this article:
Hamid H, Akhter A, Annu S, Kachroo M, Sharma
N, Nazir I, Farooq S, Wani J A, Falak N, Jaileel
B, Ismail S, Hijazi R, Nazir N. Knowledge and
Attitude of Adolescent Students Regarding
Voluntary Blood Donation: Impact of An
Awareness Programme (J& K, India). Ind J Holist
Nurs. 2024;15(3):9-17.
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