Knowledge of Adolescent Girls Regarding Prevention of Cervical Cancer: Impact of an awareness program (J&K, India)


  • Nikita Sharma
  • Huzafa Hamid M Sc Nursing, Mader-e-Meharban Institute of Nursing Sciences, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar.
  • Munira Kachroo Principal & Guide, Mader-e-Meharban Institute of Nursing Sciences, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar.
  • Aisha Akhter Asst Professor & Co-Guide, Mader-e-Meharban Institute of Nursing Sciences, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar.
  • Neetakshi Sharma Msc Nursing, DMCH, College of Nursing, Ludhiana.
  • Insha Nazir M Sc Nursing, Mader-e-Meharban Institute of Nursing Sciences, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar.
  • Neeha Falak M Sc Nursing, Mader-e-Meharban Institute of Nursing Sciences, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar.
  • Snober Farooq M Sc Nursing, Mader-e-Meharban Institute of Nursing Sciences, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar.
  • Jamsheed Ahmad Wani M Sc Nursing, Mader-e-Meharban Institute of Nursing Sciences, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar.
  • Bisma Jaileel M Sc Nursing, Mader-e-Meharban Institute of Nursing Sciences, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar.
  • Riffat Hijazi M Sc Nursing, Mader-e-Meharban Institute of Nursing Sciences, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar.
  • Seerat Ismail M Sc Nursing, Mader-e-Meharban Institute of Nursing Sciences, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar.


Knowledge, Cervical cancer, Awareness program, Adolescent girls, HPV Vaccination


Cervical cancer is the abnormal growth or proliferation of the cervical cells. Worldwide, cervical cancer is the fourth most frequent cancer among women. 90% of deaths from cervical cancer occur in low and middle-income countries.  Cervical cancer is one of the preventable diseases which can be eliminated with a comprehensive approach to prevent by HPV vaccination, screen and treat. Healthy and well-nourished adolescents reflect the country’s potential human resources among which adolescent girls form a large stratum. Adolescent girls should be well aware about their health and well-being. The study was conducted with an aim to assess the knowledge of adolescent girls regarding prevention of cervical cancer so that awareness program could make adolescents girls aware about it.

Methodology: A Pre experimental One Group Pre-test, Post-test research design was used to assess the knowledge of 100 adolescent girls using convenient sampling technique of Girls Higher Secondary School, Soura by using self-structured questionnaire.

Assessment of knowledge scores was categorized into various levels namely inadequate knowledge (<33%), moderately adequate knowledge (34-66%) and adequate knowledge (>66%).

Results: On pretest, maximum of the study subjects (71%) had inadequate knowledge, whereas only 28% had moderately adequate knowledge and none of the study subjects had adequate knowledge. On post-test, majority of the study subjects (86%) had adequate knowledge, 14% had moderately adequate knowledge whereas none of the study subjects had inadequate knowledge regarding prevention of cervical cancer.

Conclusion: The findings of the study concluded that on pre-test, adolescent girls had inadequate knowledge regarding prevention of cervical cancer. It may be due to lack of exposure and education. On post-test all of the adolescent girls had adequate knowledge and moderately adequate knowledge regarding prevention of cervical cancer. Thus, intervention was effective.

How to cite this article:
Sharma N, Hamid H, Kachroo M, Akhter A,
Sharma N, Nazir I, Falak Neeha, Farooq S, Wani
J A, Jaileel B, Hijazi R, Ismail S. Knowledge of
Adolescent Girls Regarding Prevention of Cervical
Cancer: Impact of an awareness program (J&K,
India). Ind J Holist Nurs. 2024;15(2):31-37.



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