Effectiveness of Surya Namaskar and Diet to Surmount the Deficiency of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D
Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Diet, Yoga, Surya NamaskarAbstract
Vitamins are the essential nutrients required for normal functioning of the body. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin white Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, that is why vitamin D can be stored in the body but Vitamin B12 can’t. The deficiency of Vitamin 12 causes neurological and hematological symptoms, while Vitamin D deficiency causes bone and joint-related issues. Surya namaskar (Sun salutation) is India’s ancient and sacred yogic technique for expressing gratitude to the Sun. Surya Namaskar is a set of twelve (12) asanas or poses. It is done preferably in the morning, during sunrise facing towards the rising Sun. There are various benefits of Surya Namaskar for different systems of the body including respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, nervous system, and as well as gastrointestinal systems. Every cell and ti ssue of the body gets revitalized and regenerated because of practi cing regular Surya Namaskar therefore, the experts recommend Surya Namaskar for a healthy life. It maintains health and makes the body free from diseases. It gives strength, fl exibility, and vitality to the body. When it is done at a slow pace, it relaxes muscles and is a form of meditation. Surya Namaskar and diet are the best sources to balance vitamins. It helps to keep the mind stress-free, calm and illuminated. Thus, a regular practi ce of Surya Namaskar is recommended to keep the body and mind healthy. Though the Surya Namaskar steps are very scientific and practical from ancient times but still need an advanced
modern scientific justificati on to spread globally.
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