Agricultural Technology Advances: Transforming Farming’s Future


  • Jagriti Tiwari


Agricultural Technology, Precision Agriculture, Smart Sensors, Robotics In Agriculture, Sustainability, Climate-Smart Agriculture


Agriculture has provided nourishment and economic stability to human
society for thousands of years. The agricultural sector has undergone a
major upheaval in recent decades, owing to technological advancements.
This review article digs into the significant advances in agricultural
technology that have transformed farming practises. It investigates the
impact of precision agriculture, smart sensors, robotics, biotechnology,
and data analytics on global issues such as food security, sustainability,
and climate change mitigation.
Precision agricultural techniques enabled by global positioning systems
(GPS) and remote sensing have enabled farmers to optimise resource
utilisation while increasing crop yields. Smart sensors have developed as
crucial tools for real-time monitoring of critical parameters, promoting
effective water management, and precise fertiliser and pesticide
application. Agriculture robotics has ushered in an era of automation,
streamlining chores such as planting, harvesting, and weeding, hence
increasing output and lowering farmers’ physical load.
Biotechnology and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have provided
novel solutions to crop disease management, drought tolerance, and
crop resilience. Data analytics and farm management systems have
improved decision-making processes, providing farmers with practical
insights and data-driven strategies for sustainable agriculture.


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