Advancements in Precision Agriculture: A Review


  • Khushboo Upadhyay


Precision Agriculture, Sustainable Resource Management, Climate Resilience, Technology Adoption, Food Security


Precision agriculture, a data-driven farming method, has transformed
the agricultural business by mixing cutting-edge technologies with
traditional farming practises. This review article delves into the history,
key technology, benefits, problems, future prospects of precision
agriculture. This article intends to shed light on how this innovative
method is revolutionising the agricultural landscape and supporting
sustainable practises for a fast-rising global population by providing an
in-depth study of the current state of precision agriculture. Furthermore,
the abstract highlights the potential socioeconomic impact of precision
agriculture adoption on rural areas, the importance of supportive
policies, precision agriculture’s role in addressing global food security
concerns. This review article gives a comprehensive overview of precision
agriculture’s ability to contribute to a more resilient and food-secure
future by emphasising these critical characteristics.




