Challenges of Agriculture


  • Ananya Pandey Student, Department of Agricultural Sciences, IIMT University, Meerut.


Agriculture, Irrigation Practices, Temperature, Seed Quality, Storage, Marketing Facilities


The agriculture industry, a cornerstone of global economies, faces a myriad of challenges that threaten its sustainability and productivity. This article explores the intricate web of issues surrounding agriculture, focusing on key factors such as climate change, soil erosion, loss of agricultural land, irrigation problems, seed quality, lack of capital, and insufficient storage and marketing facilities. These challenges not only affect the livelihoods of millions of farmers but also have broader implications for food security, economic stability, and environmental health.
The article highlights the global nature of the challenges by examining the situations in agriculture-dependent countries like Liberia, Somalia, and Guinea-Bissau. It emphasises the interconnectedness of the three crucial elements of agriculture—the farmer, the farm, and the farming practices—and underscores how disruptions in any of these components can lead to a dysfunctional system.
One critical challenge is climate change, which brings about shifts in soil composition, water availability, and temperature, adversely affecting crop productivity. The article discusses the predicted decline in global crop production and the role of agriculture in contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, emphasising the need for climate mitigation strategies within the sector.
Soil erosion emerges as a significant threat, with deforestation, over-tillage, overgrazing, and improper irrigation contributing to the loss of the topsoil layer. The impact of this erosion on soil fertility and crop production is explored, along with potential solutions such as afforestation and proper irrigation practices.


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