A Comprehensive Examination of Vegetable Production and Management Practises in the 21st Century


  • Khushboo Upadhyay Student, Department of Zoology, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith University, Varanasi.


Sustainable Agriculture, Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA), Farmer’s Markets, Stakeholder Collaboration, Environmental Conservation in Agriculture


Vegetable production plays a pivotal role in addressing global food security and nutrition challenges. This comprehensive review delves into the multifaceted realm of sustainable vegetable production and management practices. The abstract outlines key areas of focus, including crop selection, integrated pest management, soil health, water conservation, precision agriculture, organic farming, post-harvest management, and community engagement. Through an exploration of innovative strategies and technologies, this review aims to provide insights into how farmers and stakeholders can enhance vegetable production while mitigating environmental impact. The abstract encapsulates the essence of the article, offering a preview of the diverse and sustainable approaches discussed within. Researchers, policymakers, and practitioners seeking a nuanced understanding of contemporary vegetable production will find this review a valuable resource for navigating the complex landscape of sustainable agriculture.


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