Comprehensive Review of Simulation-Based Assessment in Pharmacist Competence: A Detailed Analysis
Simulation-Based Assessment, Pharmacist, Skill Development, Clinical ApplicationAbstract
Simulation-based assessment (SBA) has emerged as a pivotal tool in evaluating pharmacist competence, offering a dynamic and controlled environment to measure clinical skills, decision-making abilities, and communication proficiency. Key modalities such as manikin-based simulations, standardized patients, virtual simulations, and hybrid approaches are examined, highlighting their respective contributions to skill development and assessment. The review underscores SBA’s role in bridging the gap between didactic learning and clinical application, enhancing learning outcomes, and preparing pharmacists for diverse healthcare scenarios. Furthermore, it discusses considerations for integrating SBA into curricula, including standardization, fidelity, and faculty training. By critically evaluating the evidence and methodologies
of SBA.
How to cite this article:
Das S, Singh R, Singh P. Comprehensive Review
of Simulation-Based Assessment in Pharmacist
Competence: A Detailed Analysis. Int J Adv Res
Pharm Edu 2024; 6(1): 6-12.
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