Empathy Enhancement in Pharmacy Students: Impact of a Behavior Change Assessment


  • Shahid Hammrah


Background: Empathy is recognized as a crucial attribute for healthcare
professionals, influencing patient satisfaction, adherence to treatment,
and overall health outcomes.
Aims: This research aimed to determine if a behavior change could
increase empathy in pharmacy students, as measured by a validated
empathy scoring system.
Methods: Pharmacy students completed a pre-assessment using the
Kiersma-Chen Empathy Scale. They then undertook a behavior change
assignment, selecting a personal behavior to change for ten days,
followed by a post-assessment using the same tool.
Results: The study found a statistically significant increase in empathy
scores among pharmacy students after completing the behavior change
assignment (p<0.01), with an 81.3% response rate. Factors such as
age, gender, campus location, or the type of behavior change did not
influence the results.
Conclusions: The behavior change assignment, which required minimal
classroom time and resources and was not linked to a specific disease
state, effectively increased empathy in pharmacy students.


How to cite this article:
Hammrah S. Empathy Enhancement in Pharmacy
Students: Impact of a Behavior Change
Assessment. Int J Adv Res Pharm Edu 2024;
6(1): 1-5.


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