To Evaluate the Clinical Efficacy of Palashapushpa Kwatha In Madhumeha W.S.R To DM Type 2
Avaranajanya Madhumeha, Ayurveda, Prameha, Palashapushpa wath and MadhumehaAbstract
Avaranajanya Madhumeha, which has been described in Ayurveda, has similarities with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Globally, the number of diabetic people at present is 366 million, which is further expected to increase to 552 million in 2030. Data reveals the global number of prediabetic people is currently around 280 million, it is further expected to increase to 398 million in 2030. India is supposed to be the ‘world diabetes capital’ because Indians have a genetic predisposition to develop Diabetes mellitus in their genes, which is further precipitated by their lifestyle, etc.
Considering all these facts, there is a need for certain preparations and formulations that are effective, have minimal adverse effects, are easily available, can benefit the community at large. Palashapushpa Kwatha is a single drug formulation containing Palasha Pushpa, its phalashruthi mentions it to be very effective in all types of Prameha, including Madhumeha.
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