Psoriasis: A General Review.
Psoriasis, National Psoriasis Foundation, Monozygotic twins, Dizygotic twins and Genetic.Abstract
Psoriasis occurs equally in both sexes, and it can occur and affect anyone at any age, but mostly it appears for the first time in young people between the ages of 15 and 25 years. Its prevalence in Western populations is estimated to be approximately 2–3%. Graphical plots
showed an increasing prevalence of psoriasis with each consecutive survey in all examined age groups and birth cohorts, leaving time period effects as the explanation for the increase. The study found that 35% of people with psoriasis could be classified as having moderate
to severe psoriasis.
We found a family history of the disease in around one-third of people with psoriasis, and researchers have also identified the presence of genetic loci associated with it. There is a 70% chance of a twin developing psoriasis if the other twin has psoriasis in monozygotic twins. But concordance is around 20% for dizygotic twins. Thus, we find both a genetic predisposition and an environmental response in the development of psoriasis.
We found a family history of the disease in around one-third of people with psoriasis, and researchers have also identified the presence of genetic loci associated with it. There is a 70% chance of a twin developing psoriasis if the other twin has psoriasis in monozygotic twins. But concordance is around 20% for dizygotic twins. Thus, we find both a genetic predisposition and an environmental response in the development of psoriasis.
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