Study of Genetic Scar Marker Biotechnology of Sugarcane for Different Cultivars in Saline Environment
Biotechnology, Sugarcane, Irrigation, Weather, CultivatedAbstract
To keep pace with increasing global need of sugarcane and food security, researchers have devised various technologies to make the sugarcane production more economic and sustainable. Efforts are being made to validate and disseminate these technologies among farmers. Crop yield is affected by technological change and weather variability. Saline soil is a problem for agriculture in many parts of the world, especially in arid and semi arid regions where low precipitation, irrigation with brackish water and poor drainage interact to bring about soil salinity. Excess amount of salt in the soil adversely affects plant growth and development leading to diminished economic health and poor quality of produce, limiting the productivity of crop plants. Approximately 20% of the world’s cultivated area and nearly half of the world’s irrigated lands are affected by salinity.
How to cite this article:
Sharma S, Sharma SK. Study of Genetic Scar Marker Biotechnology of Sugarcane for Different Cultivars in Saline Environment. J Adv Res Biochem Pharma 2020; 3(1): 6-10.
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