Biopesticides: Mode of Action, Efficacy and Scope in Pest Management
Biopesticides, Helicoverpa Armigera, Insect Pests, IPM, Ladakh, ZanskarAbstract
Excessive and inappropriate use of synthetic chemicals has undeniably resulted in adverse and irreparable effects on the environment. Use of agrochemical caused contamination of soils, agricultural crops and groundwater; and the continuous dependence on chemical pesticides to manage pest problems has aggravated environmental decline and caused serious health effects on agricultural employees and rural communities. Pesticide residues also increase food safety fears and pose-trade inhibitions for export crops, since agrochemical significantly amassed in plant parts and exaggerated the morphological, anatomical, physiological and biochemical procedures of the plants and as such
result into total quantity and quality produce deprivation. Therefore, the need to feed an ever-increasing global population combined with cumulative request for maintainable agricultural practices has fueled a noteworthy upsurge in demand for biopesticides. Biopesticides are ecological and offer exceptional aids all along the food value chain,
and providing a lot of chances and merits to growers, buyers, dealers, consultants, retailers and consumers. Since centuries, various plant extracts have been used in crop protection and significant effects have been achieved. Under cold arid conditions of Zanskar Ladakh region,
various biopesticides have been evaluated under field conditions against Helicoverpa armigera and Agrotis epsilon and a considerable control has been achieved too. Therefore, in this article, biopesticide types, application methods, dosage, and mechanism of action will be
discussed. Further, uses of biopesticides enhance the pest control in an ecofriendly manner to maintain the production sustainability over long period of time without deteriorating the environment.
How to cite this article: Dar SA, Wani SH, Mir SH et al. Biopesticides: Mode of Action, Efficacy and Scope in Pest Management. J Adv Res Biochem Pharma 2021; 4(1): 1-8.
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