Evaluation of Secondary Metabolites and Proximate Composition in Different Varieties of Green Tea
Leaves of Camellia sinensis are composed of a variety of secondary metabolites play a vital role in human nutrition and health. In this study three different varieties of processed green tea includes P3, P5 and P9 were collected from National Tea and High Value Crops Research Institute (NTHRI), Shinkiari, Mansehra, Pakistan for proximate composition analysis and secondary metabolites analysis. Standard methods were carried out to evaluate proximate composition analysis of crude fat, crude fiber, ash content and moisture content in all tea samples. Presence of secondary metabolites in aquaeous and ethanolic tea leaves extracts was recognized by its colour intensity using standard chemical tests.. Composition of moisture content, ash content, crude fiber and crude fat in tea samples were range between 3.2% to 6.9%, 6% to 5.4%, 10.4% to 15.6%, 3.5% to 10.1% respectively. Secondary metabolites like alkaloids, saponins and flavonoids were found positive in aqueous extract but absent in ethanolic extract of all samples while phlobatannin and carotenoids were found absent in both tea extracts.
How to cite this article: Bashir A, Waheed A, Hamid FS et al. Evaluation of Secondary Metabolites and Proximate Composition in Different Varieties of Green Tea. J Adv Res Biochem Pharma 2019; 2(2): 14-19.
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