The Expression of Apoptosis in Normal Epithelium and its Clinical Relevance
Apoptosis, Dysplasia, NeoplasiaAbstract
Apoptosis is a programmed cell death by which cells are systematically deleted in a multi-cellular organism. It is important in organogenesis during development, physiological atrophy of the tissues, and the removal of the cells with genetic defects. It is altered in various cellular changes like hyperplasia, dysplasia, and neoplasia of the oral epithelium. We
studied apoptosis by TUNEL assay in 100 normal epithelium, dysplastic areas of premalignant lesions (n=31) and squamous cell carcinoma of the oro-pharyngeal region (n=100). We found an increase in apoptosis in dysplastic areas of oral epithelium and a slight decrease in squamous cell carcinoma compared to normal epithelium. In conclusion, we
found that apoptosis plays an important role in the maintenance of the normal number of cells in normal and dysplastic oral epithelium. Its possible deregulation/ inhibition plays an important role in the unhindered growth of the malignant cells.
How to cite this article:
Saini N, Babbar R, Mandal AK. The Expression of Apoptosis in Normal Epithelium and its Clinical Relevance. Rec Adv Path Lab Med. 2020;6(1&2):5-8.
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