Assessment of Knowledge and Practice regarding Blood Transfusion among Staff Nurses
Blood transfusion, Practice, Knowledge, NursesAbstract
Background: Blood transfusion is the transfusing of a compatible donor's whole blood or any of its components to the recipient to correct/ treat any related clinical condition. The transfusion of blood products is essential for restoring the body’s oxygen transport capacity or replenishing lost or depleted blood components in various medical conditions. Objectives: To assess knowledge and practice score regarding blood transfusion among staff nurses and to find association of knowledge score and practice score and selected demographic variables. Methodology: A descriptive research design that involved convenience sampling technique to collect data from the 60 staff nurses working at Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Kashmir using a “self-structured knowledge questionnaire and practice checklist”. Results: The study revealed that most of the staff nurses i.e. (53.3%) had fair knowledge, (41.7%) had poor knowledge, and only (5%) of staff nurses had good knowledge regarding blood transfusion. The (Mean±S.D) knowledge score of the staff nurses was (23.516 ±4.59). Most of the staff nurses i.e. (66.7%) had satisfactory practice and (33.3%) had unsatisfactory practice. The (Mean±S.D) practice score of staff nurses regarding blood transfusion was (49.26±6.40). A statistically significant association was found between nurses' knowledge and demographic variables i.e. age, professional qualification, clinical experience, the approximate number of blood transfusions performed and in-service training programme attended regarding blood transfusion and practice with demographic variables i.e. gender and clinical experience at p < 0.05. Conclusion: The study concluded that deficiency of knowledge among nurses regarding to blood transfusion threatens patient safety, also put patients at life threatening condition.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Uzma Iqbal, Dilshada Wani, Suby Annu, Sumera Hassan, Kavita Bharti, Rameez Nabi

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