A Descriptive Study to Assess the Correlation between Knowledge and Practice of ASHA Workers regarding Services provided under National Health Mission working in Selected Primary Health Centres of Tangmarg, Baramulla with a View to Develop Information Booklet
Introduction: The study was conducted to assess the knowledge and practice levels of ASHAworkers regarding services provided under the National Health Mission (NHM). These levels were further correlated to know whether they are related or not. It aimed at providing deficient information to ASHA workers, and at motivating them to sustain their efforts for adequate practice.
Methods: A non-experimental descriptive (correlative) research design was used. 60 ASHA workers were selected from the accessible population using convenient sampling technique. The prepared tools (self-structured knowledge questionnaire and practice checklist) and Information Booklet were validated by a panel of experts, and were pre-tested for clarity and feasibility. A pilot study was conducted on 10% of ASHA workers. The main study was conducted from 9th September 2020 to 20th September 2020. The data collected was analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Result: The study revealed that majority of the ASHA workers had average knowledge and adequate practice regarding services provided under NHM. There was a significant association of their knowledge scores regarding services provided under NHM with their educational status. No significant association was found between their practice scores and their demographic variables. A moderately strong positive correlation was found between their knowledge and practice regarding services provided under NHM.
Conclusion: The findings of the study concluded that ASHA workers working in Primary Health Centres of Tangmarg, Baramulla had average knowledge and adequate practice regarding services provided under NHM. However, some components need to be focused on.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Noorul Amin , Dilshada Wani, Bilqis Yasmin

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