A Scientific Review on Kuposhanajaya Vikara W.S.R. to Protein Energy Malnutrition and its Treatment in Children
The preservation of children’s health is the prime duty of humanity. In every country, children constitute a priority group. Current Indian population according to a survey is 1.21 billion. (2011census) and about 37.3% of total populations are children. Among which 158.8 million children are of 0-6 year’s age group (13.12 % of Indian population). The health status of adult population is a continuation of health status of children in terms of Growth, Nutrition and Development. Health of a child is a growing concern all over, with rapid economic growth and social changes both in developed and developing parts of the world. Therefore, vital importance towards these children is felt in need.
Malnutrition mainly arises from inadequate diet and frequent infection, leading to insufficient intake of calories, protein, vitamins and minerals. Malnourished children suffer more frequent and severe infectious illnesses; furthermore, even mild under-nutrition increases a child’s risk of morbidity and mortality. Chronic under-nutrition in children can also lead to long-term developmental problems. Ahara Dosha is the main predisposing factor of this disorder and Alpasana and Vishamasana (false habits of intake) especially results in the development of Karshya.
Meaning of Balasosha is “Emaciation of child”. According to Ayurvada it originates from nutritional deficiency in children, which is called as protein energy malnutrition . Although exact correlation of Balasosha with any specific disease of modern medicine is not possible but keeping in view the various clinical signs and symptoms of P.E.M., it can be equated with karshaya, phakka roga, parigarbhika, to some extent.
How to cite this article:
Sharma S, Kumar D. A Scientific Review on Kuposhanajaya Vikara W.S.R. to Protein Energy Malnutrition and its Treatment in Children. J Adv Res Ayur Yoga Unani Sidd Homeo 2020; 7(1&2): 25-29.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2394.6547.202007
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