Clinical Study on Effect of Swarnamritaprashana (Modified Swarna Prashana) in the Management of Shayyamutra in Children
Swarnamritaprashana Capsule, Satvavajaya Chikitsa, Shayyamutra, Noctural EnuresisAbstract
Background: The psychosomatic problems of children vary widely in accordance with many factors, which are responsible for children’s physical, mental and emotional progress. In this connection there are so many developmental, behavioral disorders of childhood. Out of them Shayyamutra (enuresis) is the most common messy disorder which is psychosomatic in nature, commonly seen in growing children. Along with other medhya and balya drug it can give better results in Shayyamutra along with Satvavajayachikitsa, that is the reason this study was taken. Materials and Methods: 40 patients of Shayyamutra satisfying diagnostic criteria and age 6-16 years were selected from outpatient department of Kaumarbhritya, SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan. Among them, 20 patients were treated with swarnamritaprashana capsule daily once for two month along with satvavajaya chikitsa in study group. The other 20 patients were treated with ghrita bharjita Godhuma capsule (placebo) daily once for two month along with satvavajaya chikitsa in control group .The patients were assessed on the completion first month, second month and followed again after third month. It was open labelled standard control non-randomized prospective clinical trial from August 2016 to Feb 2017. Result: Statistically significant effect (p<0.05) of swarnamritaprashana capsule along with satvavajaya chikitsa in reduction of all signs and symptoms of nocturnal enuresis after treatment were observed. Conclusion: Swarnamritaprashana along with satvavajaya chikitsa is effective in reducing the signs and symptoms of Shayyamutra.
How to cite this article:
Sharma S, Rana A, Mallanvar V. Clinical Study on Effect of Swarnamritaprashana (Modified Swarna Prashana) in the Management of Shayyamutra in Children. J Adv Res Ayur Yoga Unani Sidd Homeo 2020; 7(3&4): 4-10.
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