Use of Kulattha (Dolichos biflorus Linn.) in the Management of Mutrashmari (Urinary Calculus): A Clinical Study


  • Mrinal Baishya Ph.D. Scholar, Assistant Professor, Department of Roga Nidan, Govt. Ayurvedic College, Guwahati, Assam, India.
  • Bhabesh Das Supervisor, Ex-Principal cum Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Govt. Ayurvedic College, Guwahati, Assam, India.


Urolithiasis, Mutrashmari, Kulattha Churna, Asmarighna


Introduction: In Ayurveda, Ashmari is mainly considered as ‘Mutrashmari’ (urolithiasis), which is emerging as a sequel to deranged mutra pravritti and leads to deterioration in urine secretion and micturition. Mutrashmari is a disease of Mutravaha srotas. It is considered to be one of the various deadly diseases described as ‘Asta mahagadas’. These show symptoms that are quite similar to the symptoms of urolithiasis of modern science. The trial medicine “Kulattha Churna” is mentioned to have lithotriptic (ashmarighna) properties and also relieves burning micturition (mutrakrichra).
Aims and Objectives: This work aims to analyse the medical management of mutrashmari. Its objectives are: (i) To assess the efficacy of Kulattha (Dolichos biflorus Linn.) in the management of mutrashmari. (ii) To assess the efficacy of Kulattha (Dolichos biflorus Linn.) on stones present in the calyx and pelvis.
Methodology: A clinical study on 100 patients suffering from mutrashmari was conducted at Government Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Guwahati-14, Assam. Three patients were not able to complete the study, hence the effective sample size was 97. A special proforma was prepared and designed which was used for diagnosis. Routine blood examination and biochemical investigations along with microscopic examination of urine were carried out.
Results: After the completion of treatment, the effects on the clinical features according to Ayurveda and modern science were observed thoroughly which showed that kulattha churna cured symptoms like Mutradhara Sanga, Basti Vedana, Mehana Vedana, and Sevani Vedana effectively. There was marked improvement in AtiAvilamutrata, Nabhivedana, Dysuria, burning micturition, haematuria and pain.
Conclusion: From the result of the effect of therapy on stones, it can be summarised that kulattha churna has a good effect on stones of size less than 5 mm.

How to cite this article:
Baishya M, Das B. Use of Kulattha (Dolichos
biflorus Linn.) in the Management of Mutrashmari
(Urinary Calculus): A Clinical Study. J Adv Res Ayur
Yoga Unani Sidd Homeo. 2024;11(3&4): 1-6.



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