Outdoor Air Quality Index of Biomass Combustion in the Niger Delta, Nigeria: A Health Impact Perspective
Air quality, Environmental Health, Biomass, Pollutant gasesAbstract
Background: Pollutant gases such as Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) are released during certain anthropogenic activities including cooking with biomass. This study evaluated the air quality index of CO, NO2 and SO2 emissions during outdoor biomass combustion in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.
Materials and Methods: Triplicate sampling was carried out at 3 distances in 4 different states for one Calendar year across the two distinct seasons viz: dry (November, January and March) and wet (May, July and September) in the Niger Delta. A portable multiprobe AEROQUAL meter with head-probe of varying detection range of 0 - 100 ppm for CO and NO2, and 0 - 10ppm for SO2 was used.
Conclusion: The air quality index indicates deleterious health impacts at 10ft emission source. Hence there is need for routine monitoring of these gases in the ambient air to obtain indices that are relevant in preventing risks related to human exposure.
How to cite this article: Richard G, Sawyer WE, Izah SC. Outdoor Air Quality Index of Biomass Combustion in the Niger Delta, Nigeria: A Health Impact Perspective. J Adv Res Med Sci Tech 2021; 8(1): 19-28.
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