Impact of Lockdown on Sleep Quality among Collegiate Students during COVID-19
Sleep, Lockdown, COVID-19, PSQI ScaleAbstract
Background: The Indian population was placed in social isolation due to
spread of corona virus. There was a significant increase of psychological
distress and symptoms of mental illness in the general population.
The aim of this study was to assess the impact of lockdown on sleep
quality among collegiate students during COVID-19 pandemic and help
healthcare workers to understand the psychological aspect of lockdown
and help the community.
Method: It is a cross-sectional survey study. Collegiates were selected
for the study. An online questionnaire was sent via email or whatsapp.
Data was analyzed and result was obtained.
Result: Result showed that 19.1% were having very good sleep quality
whereas 12.1% were having bad sleep. Sleep latency was 8.5%
participants slept within <15 minutes, 35.5% participants slept within
16 to 30 minutes, 26.2% participants took 31 to 60 minutes whereas
29.8% participants took more than 60 minutes. Sleep efficiency result
was: 51.8% participants were having very good sleep efficiency whereas
7.1% were having very bad sleep efficiency. 61.7% participants were
having very good sleep duration hours whereas 9.9% participants were
having very bad sleep duration hours. 4% to 3% participants did not
take sleep medicine in last month whereas 0.7% had taken medication
for sleep for more than thrice in a week. 68.8% participants had taken
sleep medicine once a week and 26.2% had taken medicine twice a
week. 41.1% participants never had day time dysfunction whereas 5.0%
participants had day time dysfunction.
Conclusion: Lockdown had affected the sleep quality of collegiate
How to cite this article:
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