Artificial Intelligence based Models for Plant Protection
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Plant Protection, Food SecurityAbstract
Computational models have been an important contributor to growth in agriculture. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized agriculture by efficiently disseminating information to achieve food security. Plant Protection plays a significant role in achieving targets of crops production. AI has begun to modify the plant protection environment around us. AI-based equipment and machines like robots and drones have been designed for disease and weed detection (Liakos et al., 2018). Machine Learning (ML) coupled with computer vision have potential to help farmers in protection of crops. This paper presents a brief review of Artificial Intelligence based models for Plant Protection some significant research efforts in crop protection using AI with followed by some potential applications. Some machine learning techniques for Big data analytics are also reviewed. The outlook for Big data and machine learning in crop protection is very promising.
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Jain R, Nigam S, Vaijunath et al. Artificial Intelligence based Models for Plant Protection. Int J Agric Env Sustain 2021; 3(1): 1-7.
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