Extinction of Species in Relation to Environmental Degradation



So far as the improvement in the existing life forms on the earth is a concern, it is a well-known fact that the chances of improvement are directly proportional to the available genetic base and vice-versa. Loss of habitat, changes in climate patterns, entry of new alien species, etc. are the prime cause of loss in biodiversity and species extinction as well. The introduction of new crop species (Bt. based crops) is also a challenge to our natural flora and fauna as the alien gene has the potentiality to get reshuffle with indigenous genetic base. The extinction
of species and the destruction of ecosystems has been a major concern of policymakers. To realize the importance of the matter, the Government has established crop-wise National Gene Banks that are provided with the facility of Seed Repository, Cryo-Bank, and tissue culture repository. Pre-breeding is also a useful approach to enhance the genetic base in crop plants. National parks and sanctuaries have been established in many countries to conserve life forms in its natural way.

How to cite this article: Srivastava MK. Extinction of Species in Relation to Environmental Degradation. Int J Agric Env Sustain 2019; 1(1): 1-3.


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