Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Prevention of Health Hazards related to Biomedical Waste among the Healthcare Workers at SKIMS, Soura
Background: Staff nurses spend maximum time with patients in the ward, which increases their exposure and risk to the hazards present in the hospital environment, mainly due to biomedical waste and inadequate knowledge. Thus they need to be well-equipped with the latest information, skills and practices in managing this biomedical waste besides reducing hospital-acquired infections to protect their own health and the environment.
Objectives: The objectives of the study were to assess the pre-test and post-test knowledge of the healthcare workers at SKIMS, Soura regarding the prevention of health hazards related to biomedical waste, to compare their pre-test and post-test knowledge scores, and to determine the association between their pre-test knowledge scores and the selected demographic variables.
Methodology: A quantitative research approach with a descriptive design was used to conduct the study on 60 subjects in SKIMS Soura, Srinagar. Assessment of knowledge was done using a self-structured questionnaire.
Results: In the pre-test, most of the study subjects (75%) had moderate knowledge, 21.7% had inadequate knowledge, and 3.3% had adequate knowledge while in the post-test, most of them (85%) had adequate knowledge, 10% had adequate knowledge, and 5% had inadequate knowledge regarding the prevention of health hazards related to biomedical wastes. The mean post-test knowledge score of study subjects was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge scores.
Conclusion: The healthcare workers had moderate knowledge regarding the prevention of health hazards related to biomedical waste. Inadequate knowledge in this area may lead to serious consequences. Hence they should be informed about the preventive measures for biomedical hazards and their management. The structured teaching programme was found effective in increasing the knowledge level of study subjects.
How to cite this article:
Shafi U, Kachroo M, Nazir S, Aziz S, Rani R. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme
on Knowledge regarding Prevention of Health Hazards related to Biomedical Waste among the Healthcare Workers at SKIMS, Soura. Ind J Holist Nurs. 2022;13(4):27-32.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2348.2133.202218
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