A Pre-experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude among Adolescent Students regarding Health Hazards of Junk Food in Selected Senior Secondary School, District Hisar (Haryana)


  • Ritu Nursing Tutor, Maharishi Dayanand Institute of Nursing Chaudharywas Hisar, Haryana


Junk food, Adolescent girl, Health Hazard


Introduction: It is undertaken with the main objective, to assess the pre-test knowledge and attitude score regarding health hazards of junk food among adolescence students, to administer the planned teaching program regarding health hazards of junk food among adolescence students, to evaluate the effectiveness of the planned teaching program
on knowledge and attitude regarding health hazards of junk food and to find out the association between the pre-test knowledge and attitude score regarding health hazards of junk food among adolescence students with their demographic Variables.
Method and Tools: The tool used for this study consisted of three parts. Part - A (demographic data). Part - B, the self-structure knowledge questionnaire consist of questions on various aspects such as general information, the effect of junk food on health, and prevention, (20 questions). Part - C, consists of a Likert scale for an attitude among adolescent students regarding health hazed of junk food (20 questions).
Result: The knowledge score of 3(5%) of the subject has inadequate, 5(91.7%) moderate and 2(3.3%) adequate had pre-knowledge scores and 10(16.7%) moderate and 50(83.3%) adequate post-knowledge score regarding health hazard of junk food. The mean pre-knowledge score was 51.42% among adolescent students with an of mean 81.75% among adolescent students. The calculated P-value (0.000) is significant at 0.001 levels.
Conclusion: Therefore, it is concluded that there was a significant difference in attitude levels among adolescent students regarding the health hazard of junk food.

How to cite this article:
Ritu. A Pre-experimental Study to assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude among Adolescence Students regarding Health Hazards of Junk Food in Selected Senior Secondary School, District Hisar (Haryana). Ind J Holist Nurs. 2022;13(1):7-13.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2348.2133.202202


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