Overview of Epidemiological Investigations: Nurses’ Role


  • Amala Seeli


Epidemiological Investigation, Communicable Diseases, Outbreak, Quantitative Skills


Emerging infectious diseases continue to disrupt the health care system in each level and are becoming progressively complicated to detect and treat successfully. Epidemiological investigations are a challenging task for the Health workers. The main purpose of this investigation is to identify the disease in the early stage and reduce the number death due to the sudden outbreak of any communicable diseases in the community. The steps in outbreak investigation should be “quick and clean.” Investigating an outbreak requires a combination of diplomacy, logical thinking, problem-solving ability, quantitative skills, and judgment. These skills improve with practice and experience.

How to cite this article: Seeli A. Overview of Epidemiological Investigations: Nurses’ Role. Ind J Holist Nurs 2020; 11(3): 1-5.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2348.2133.202001


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