Hammam-e-Bukhari (Vapour Bath or Steam Bath): An Overview in Unani System of Medicine
Hammam-e-Bukhari is one of the oldest therapy in the Unani system of medicine. Hammam is one of the famous regimen used all over the world and one of the most effective mode of treatment in Tibb-e-Unani. Basically, moist and dry heat is used in classical Hammam. This therapy at removing morbid matter in the body and opening the pores. The term Hammam is derived from Arabic word Hamm. which means “spreader of warmth” or “producing heat”. This paper aims to describe beneficial effects of steam bath and its mechanism.
How to cite this article:
Nazmeen. Hammam-e-Bukhari (Vapour Bath or Steam Bath): An Overview in Unani System of Medicine. Ind J Holist Nurs 2020; 11(1): 6-7.
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