Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Legal Issues of Mental Health Among B.SC. Nursing 2nd Year Students of MMINSR, SKIMS, Soura Srinagar
Background: Law is a set of rules that are created and are enforceable by social or governmental institutions to regulate behaviour. According to current mental health laws, Mental health nurses are held accountable to practice .To make sure they are legally protected; it is important for mental health nurses to stay up to date on legal aspects/issues in their field. Legal issues are what the nurse must tail as a law in a professional way or the duties of nurses legally permitted with the care of patients with physical and mental illness .The present study aimed to assess the knowledge of B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students regarding Legal issues in mental health.
Objectives: The objectives of the study were ; To assess the pre-test knowledge score of B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students regarding the legal issues in mental health , to assess the post -test knowledge score of B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students regarding legal issues in mental health, to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program by comparing pretest and post-test knowledge scores of B.sc nursing 2nd year students regarding legal issues in mental health, to find out the association of pre -test knowledge score of B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students regarding legal issues in mental health with selected demographic variables ( Age
in years, gender, area of residence, type of family, father’s education, mother’s education, occupation of father, occupation of mother, any information regarding legal issues in mental health).
Materials and Methods: A Pre- experimental research design was used to conduct the study on 70 B.Sc. nursing 2nd year students, selected by using purposive/ total enumerative sampling technique at MMINSR SKIMS Soura Srinagar, Kashmir. Self-structured knowledge questionnaire was used for data collection which consists of two sections. section I consists of Socio demographic data (such as Age in years, gender, area of residence type of family, father’s education, mother’s education, occupation of father, occupation of mother,
any information regarding legal issues in mental health (9 items) and section II consist of knowledge related to legal issues in mental health which further consists of four parts and total of 50 items . In total, the maximum score was 50 and the minimum score was 0. Data was analysed using Microsoft excel and SPSS version 26 (descriptive and inferential statistical tests).
Results: The findings of the study revealed that maximum of the study subjects 61.43% were in the age 21 years, maximum 64.29% of the study subjects were males, majority 71.43% of the study subjects belonged to rural area, 54.29% of study subjects were living in joint family,
majority 75.71% fathers of the study subjects were graduate and above, 41.43% of mothers of the study subjects were graduate and above, maximum 68.57% fathers of the study subjects were govt employees, 44.29% of mothers of the study subjects were govt employees and none of the study subjects had any information regarding legal issues in mental health. The mean post-test knowledge score of the study subjects regarding legal issues in mental
health was (42.16±6.547) which was significantly higher than mean pretest knowledge score (15.14± 7.486) at 0.05 level of significance( p=0.001).This indicated that the “structured teaching program” was effective in increasing the knowledge of study subjects regarding legal issues in mental health.
Conclusion: The findings of the study concluded that knowledge of study subjects regarding legal issues in mental health was inadequate, therefore structured teaching program was effective in enhancing their knowledge. Hence, it can be concluded that knowledge of study subjects regarding legal issues in mental health after implementation of structured teaching program has increased.
How to cite this article:
Haleema A, Kour P, Dar M A, Kachroo M, Tikku O, Bashir I. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Legal Issues of Mental Health Among B.sc. Nursing 2nd Year Students of MMINSR, SKIMS, Soura Srinagar. Ind J Holist Nurs. 2023;14(3):13-19.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2348.2133.202314
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