High Grade Serous Carcinoma of Fallopian Tube - A Case Report
- Primary fallopian tube carcinoma , High grade serous carcinomaAbstract
Primary fallopian tube carcinoma (PFTC) is extremely rare with an estimated incidence of 0.41/100000 population. It has been documented that commonest histopathologic type observed is High grade serous carcinoma . These tumors are often diagnosed at an advanced stage and are very difficult to diagnose preoperatively.We present a case of high grade serous carcinoma of fallopian tube in a 38 year old female. Histological picture was consistent with High Grade Serous Carcinoma of Fallopian tube. Early suspicion and workup lead to the diagnosis at an early stage . An elaborate research should be carried out to understand the etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of Primary fallopian tube carcinomas.
How to cite this article:
Chauhan T, Puri SS. High Grade Serous Carcinoma of Fallopian Tube - a Case Report. Rec Adv Path Lab Med. 2020;6(3&4)1 3.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2454.8642.202002
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