A Case Report on Mephentermine Induced Psychosis with Acute Liver & Kidney Injury


  • Manjulika Debnath Resident, Deparment of Psychiatry, Agartala Govt. Medical College and GBPH Hospital, Agartala, Tripura, India. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3400-2157
  • Dipesh Bhagabati Professor and Head, Deparment of Psychiatry, Agartala Govt. Medical College and GBPH Hospital, Agartala, Tripura, India.


Background: Mephentermine is a sympathomimetic agent derived
from methamphetamine. It is a commonly used drug for the treatment
of hypotension during anaesthesia. Its abuse has markedly increased
especially in the young population due to its stimulant properties and
ability to boost performance in competitive sports or bodybuilding. Very
few cases of Mephentermine dependence with or without psychosis
have been reported from India and worldwide.
Case Description: A 24-year-old male presented with a sudden
onset of behavioural abnormalities a few hours following the use
of Mephentermine. He was very agitated and restless. On physical
examination, tachycardia, elevated BP and bilaterally dilated pupils were
found. His symptoms remitted within a few hours of using Injection
Haloperidol 10 mg with Lorazepam 4 mg once. He was found to have
grossly deranged liver and kidney function tests. There was no past
and family history of any psychiatric illness. No past history of any
physical illness.
Conclusion: No previous report of mephentermine induced psychosis
with acute kidney and liver injury has been reported in the literature.
Cases such as this may be common among the general public. Long
term follow-up is required to know the course and outcome in such
unusual cases.


How to cite this article:
Debnath M, Bhagabati D. A Case Report on
Mephentermine Induced Psychosis with Acute
Liver & Kidney Injury. Rec Adv Path Lab Med.


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