Navigating Pitfalls in Diagnosing Verrucous Car- cinoma on Histopathology


  • Sarandeep Singh Puri Professor & Head of Department, Pathology, GS Medical College and Hospital, Pilkhuwa, Utt ar Pradesh, India
  • Pallavi Sharma Associate Professor, Pathology, GS Medical College and Hospital, Pilkhuwa, Utt ar Pradesh, India
  • Madhubala Gaur Professor & Head of Department, Surgery, GS Medical College and Hospital, Pilkhuwa, Utt ar Pradesh, India.
  • Neha Goel Professor, Microbiology, GS Medical College and Hospital, Pilkhuwa, Utt ar Pradesh, India
  • Pradeep Garg Dean, GS Medical College and Hospital, Pilkhuwa, Utt ar Pradesh, India.


Verrucous carcinoma (VC), Histopathology


Histopathological diagnosis is a cornerstone in oncology, guiding treatment decisions and pati ent management. Clinically, the exophyt-
ic, caulifl ower-like appearance of Verrucous Carcinoma (VC) oft en masks its malignant potenti al, leading to potenti al misdiagnosis. We
report a case of VC which explores the nuances of diagnosing VC on
histopathology, shedding light on the challenges and strategies for accurate identi fi cati on.

How to cite this article:
Puri S S, Sharma P, Gaur M, Goel N, Garg P. Navigating Pitfalls in Diagnosing Verrucous Carcinoma on Histopathology. Rec Adv Path Lab Med. 2024;10(1&2):1-3.

DOI: htt ps://


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