Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Dental Professionals with Other Health Professionals towards Toothbrush Maintenance
tooth brush maintenance, dental, nursing, medical professionalsAbstract
Background: It is important to access the knowledge, attitude and practice of the students regarding toothbrush maintenance. The study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of denta professionals as compared to other health professionals.
Material & Methods: A questionnaire-based study was conducted among 320 dental, medical and nursing health professionals. It included a close-ended questionnaire with 15 questions divided into 3 sections i.e., knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding toothbrush maintenance.
Result: When dental participants were compared with medical participants, a statistically significant difference was found for questions like, “factors affecting toothbrush wear” and “does a toothbrush help in removal of plaque” with p-values of 0.016 and 0.019 respectively. The same results were found when dental participants were compared with nursing participants but statistically significant results were obtained in the question of whether mouthwash was more beneficial than using a toothbrush for cleaning teeth, with a p value of 0.040.
Conclusion: Dental students, as compared to others, are more aware of toothbrush maintenance and hygiene techniques.
How to cite this article:
Rathod S, Burad P, Bhure S, Kaule S. Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Dental Professionals with Other Health Professionals towards Toothbrush Maintenance. J Adv Res Dent Oral Health. 2023; 8(1&2): 6-14.
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