Advances in Aquatic Ecosystem Hydrobiology: A Comprehensive Review


  • Sudha Giri


Aquatic Ecosystems, Innovative Technologies, Hydrobiology, Environmental Monitoring, Biodiversity Conservation


Hydrobiology, the study of aquatic ecosystems, has witnessed remarkable developments in recent years. This review article explores the latest research and breakthroughs in hydrobiology, encompassing various aspects of freshwater and marine environments. From the microorganisms that shape these ecosystems to the complex interactions of aquatic communities and their responses to environmental changes, this comprehensive review highlights the critical findings that have expanded our understanding of hydrobiology. The review also emphasizes the growing importance of hydrobiology in addressing global challenges such as climate change, water resource management, and ecosystem conservation. By synthesizing current knowledge, this article aims to inspire further research and collaboration in the field, driving innovative solutions to ensure the sustainability and well-being of Earth’s aquatic ecosystems for generations to come.

