Advancements in Tissue Culture Techniques: From Classic Methods to Cutting-Edge Innovations


  • Khushboo Upadhyay Student, Department of Zoology, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith University, Varanasi.


Tissue Culture, 3D Culture, Organoids, Bioreactor Systems, Emerging Trends


Tissue culture, a cornerstone of modern biology and biotechnology, has evolved significantly over the years, ushering in a new era of scientific discovery and innovation. In this review, we traverse the historical trajectory of tissue culture, tracing its origins from pioneering researchers to contemporary breakthroughs. We delve into the fundamental principles governing tissue culture, illuminating its vital role in studying cell behavior, organ development, and disease mechanisms. This comprehensive analysis encompasses traditional 2D cultures, the transformative shift toward 3D and organoid models, and the integration of bioreactor systems for scalable applications. Additionally, we explore emerging frontiers, such as microfluidics, CRISPR technology, and the amalgamation of artificial intelligence, setting the stage for an exciting future of tissue culture in biology and biotechnology.



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