Journal of Healthcare Education & Medical Informatics (ISSN: 2455-9199)2024-12-27T07:55:03+00:00Advanced Research Publicationsadmin@adrpublications.inOpen Journal Systems<p><em><strong>International Journal of Healthcare Education & Medical Informatics</strong> has been indexed in <strong>Index Copernicus international</strong>.</em></p> <p><em><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl=""><span style="color: green;">Index Copernicus Value 2018 - 78.81</span></a></strong></em></p> of Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR) Versus Passive Straight Leg Raise (PSLR) on Hamstring Extensibility among Short Hamstring Syndrome Population2024-08-05T06:14:56+00:00Sanjanasanjanasakthi145@gmail.comShenbaga Sundaram Subramaniansanjanasakthi145@gmail.comSenthil<p><strong> Background of the Study:</strong> The research question addressed in this study is: How effective are the ASLR and PSLR techniques in improving hamstring tightness and range of motion among individuals with short hamstring syndrome? The condition where the hamstring muscles are shorter than usual is called short hamstring syndrome. It has been demonstrated that the ASLR and PSLR techniques effectively reduce hamstring tightness and increase range of motion. This research aims to help determine how well these methods work for those with short <br />hamstring syndrome. <br /><strong>Method:</strong> 100 subjects were selected for the study. ASLR group was given the active straight leg raise technique, and the PSLR group was given the passive straight leg raise technique for a 4-week treatment course. The study parameters include a Sit and reach test for hamstring tightness and an Active knee extension test for a range of motion pre-test and post-test comparison done between the groups. <br /><strong>Results:</strong> There is a significant difference between the two treatments (ASLR group and PSLR group) in terms of improvement in hamstring tightness (t = 9.9, p = 0.000 > 0.05). There is a significant difference between the two treatments (ASLR group and PSLR group) in terms of improvement in range of motion (t = 7.2, p = 0.000 > 0.05). <br /><strong>Conclusion:</strong> ASLR treatment was more effective than PSLR treatment in terms of changes in all the outcome measures.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong> How to cite this article:</strong> Sanjana, Subramanian S S, Purushothaman S. Efficacy of Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR) Versus Passive Straight Leg Raise (PSLR) on Hamstring Extensibility among Short Hamstring Syndrome Population. J. HealthCare Edu. & Med. Inform. 2024;11(1&2):5-11.</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong> </p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sanjana, Shenbaga Sundaram Subramanian, Senthil Purushothaman Short-Term Efficacy of Static Isometric Neck Exercise and Cervical Muscle Stretch among College Students with Cervicogenic Headache2024-08-06T05:56:17+00:00Ishwarya Vardhini Cishwaryavardhinic@gmail.comS. Kaviyaishwaryavardhinic@gmail.comHaribabu Lishwaryavardhinic@gmail.comDeepa Iishwaryavardhinic@gmail.comNithya Devi Rishwaryavardhinic@gmail.comSenthil<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Cervicogenic headache, distinct from migraine or tension headache, is characterised by pain localised in any cranial region, arising from a nociceptive origin musculoskeletal tissue innervated by cranial nerves. <br /><strong>Objective:</strong> The objective was to compare the effectiveness of cervical muscle stretch and isometric exercise on pain and neck Range of motion among subjects with cervicogenic headache. This can optimise rehabilitation strategies, so patient outcomes can be improved, and protocols can be made more efficient. <br /><strong>Methodology:</strong> A total of 60 participants were included in the study based on the inclusion criteria and were divided into 2 groups, A and B. Then static isometric exercise and cervical muscle stretch were applied to the subjects and reassessment values were noted. They were assessed for pain and neck ROM using the Numerical Rating Scale and goniometric measurement. The duration of the study was 12 weeks. <br /><strong>Results:</strong> The results obtained for Group B who underwent cervical muscle stretch showed a greater mean difference than Group A (static isometric exercise). Pain levels in Group B decreased by a mean difference of 4.06 points on the NRS (p < 0.05). Neck extension and lateral flexion improvement in Group B was observed to be significant with mean differences of -28.76 and -26.66 in goniometric scores (p < 0.05) than in Group A (static <br />isometric exercise). <br /><strong>Conclusion:</strong> It is concluded that cervical muscle stretching is more effective in improving pain and neck range of motion among subjects with cervicogenic headaches.</p> <p><strong>How to cite this article:</strong> <br />S Kaviya, Vardhini C I, Haribabu L, Devi R N, <br />Purushothaman S. Short-Term Efficacy of <br />Static Isometric Neck Exercise and Cervical <br />Muscle Stretch among College Students with <br />Cervicogenic Headache. J. HealthCare Edu. & <br />Med. Inform. 2024;11(1&2):12-17.</p> <p><strong> DOI:</strong></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ishwarya Vardhini C, S. Kaviya, Haribabu L, Deepa I, Nithya Devi R, Senthil Purushothaman Analysing the Effect of FIFA 11+ Programme for Improving Agility and Explosive Strength among Football Players2024-08-05T05:58:44+00:00Suryaprakash Nagaraj suryaprakash050597@gmail.comVimal CBsuryaprakash050597@gmail.comDevibalan Sivagnanamsuryaprakash050597@gmail.comManoj Abraham<p>Introduction: Football is a dynamic game, which involves numerous injuries. The FIFA 11+ programme was developed by FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) for the better performance and injury prevention of elite athletes. This study aims to analyse how this specific protocol influences the preventi on of injury by assessing the indirect correlation of agility and explosive strength on injury prevention. <br />Materials And Method: Thirty subjects were included in this research work and were divided into the Experimental and Control groups. The total study duration was 8 weeks. The FIFA 11+ programme was given to the Experimental group and regular training was given to the Control group. Pre- and post-test evaluations were done on the variables of agility and explosive strength with agility t test and vertical jump test. <br />Results: Experimental group showed better clinical significance than <br />Control Group for agility and explosive strength with t values of 5.4 and 5.7, respectively (p < 0.05). <br />Conclusion: The FIFA 11+ programme was helpful in preventing injuries <br />and improving performance among collegiate football players.</p> <p> </p> <p>How to cite this article:<br />Nagaraj S, Vimal C B, Sivagnanam D, Manoharlal M. Analysing the Eff ect of FIFA 11+ Programme for Improving Agility and Explosive Strength <br />among Football Players. Int. J. HealthCare Edu. & Med. Inform. 2024;11(1&2):1-3</p> <p>DOI: htt ps://</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suryaprakash Nagaraj , Vimal CB, Devibalan Sivagnanam, Manoj Abraham Manoharlal