Management of Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum, Fungal Soil Borne Pathogen
Integrated Disease Management, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Fungal, Soil BorneAbstract
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary is one of the most important and devastating soil borne pathogens with wide-spread distribution which perpetuates by formation of Sclerotia and remain viable upto 4-5 years in soil. It is one of the most omnipresent, non-specific, ubiquitous necrotrophic pathogen that attacks a wide range of cultivated and wild plant species including canola (oilseed rape), mustard, alfalfa, soybean, field-bean, lentil, field pea and sunflower. It results in damage of the plant tissue, followed by cell death and soft rot or white mold of the crop. S. sclerotiorum infect 64 plant families, 225 genera, 361 species, 22 other cultivars etc. with a total of 383 species of plant kingdom. It causes considerable damage in Pepper, Cauliflower, Turnip, Kiwi, Lettuce, French bean, Melon, Potato, Neem, Soybean, Sunflower, Pear, Carrot, Brinjal, Tomato etc. In the recent years, much emphasis has been given on biological control of plant diseases, which is also the recent live-wire of Integrated Disease Management (IDM) strategies. The efficiency of bio-control agent is increased to a great extent when integrated with reduced amount of fungicides as it can stress and weaken the pathogen and render their propagules more susceptible to subsequent attack by antagonist apart from reducing the probability of development of fungicide resistance.
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