Fruit Fly Species Complex Infesting Cucurbits in India and Their Management
Dacine Fruit Flies, Cucurbits, Cue-Lure, Poison Bait, ManagementAbstract
A complex of several Dacine fruit fly species are responsible in serious crop losses in cucurbitaceous vegetables in India and in many cases make the cultivation of this high valued group of vegetables unprofitable. Zeugodacus cucurbitae, Z tau, Z. diversus, Z. cilifera, Z. scutellaris, Bactrocera nigrofemoralis, Dacus longicornis and D. ciliatus have been reported to infest cucurbits in India. Polyphagous nature, wide climatic adaptation, concealed nature of immature stages, high biotic potential and high mobility of Dacine fruit flies make them one of the major limiting factors in profitable farming of cucurbitaceous vegetables. A local area management strategy constituted of field sanitation, fruit bagging as mechanical barrier, early harvesting, use of low cost effective poison baits (e.g., over ripe banana + malathion) and para-pheromone (cue-lure) traps, spraying of neem based botanical insecticides, conservation of natural enemies, etc. should be employed in an integrated way to suppress the pest population and to minimize the damage level to the lowest extent.
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Nair N, Chatterjee M, Das K et al. Fruit Fly Species Complex Infesting Cucurbits in India and Their Management. Int J Agric Env Sustain 2021; 3(2): 8-17.
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