A Rare Case Report of Decidual Cast
Objective: This study evaluated the characteristic of vaginal mass/ massive clot like structure by histopathology correlation.
Introduction: Decidual cast describes the spontaneous sloughing of endometrium as an entire piece while retaining the shape of Membranous dysmenorrhea presents as severe cramping pain due to the passage of this intact endometrial cast through an undilated cervix.
Materials and Method: This was a single case study done at outpatient department in Saraswathi institute of medical sciences and hospital. 49 years old presented with long history of excessive menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea with passage of thick clot like material. Endometrial biopsy was performed and correlated with Histopathology findings.
Conclusion: Decidual cast is an entity that should be kept in mind by clinicians, radiologists and pathologists due to it’s clinic or radiologic characteristics reminding various malignancies. Histopathology plays major role in diagnosis and differnciating with various diseases.
How to cite this article:
Solanki V, Singhal P. A Rare Case Report of Decidual Cast. Rec Adv Path Lab Med. 2021;7(1&2):18-20.
Orcid Id: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7614-3011
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