Gestational Candidiasis due to Long COVID Leading to Spontaneous Abortion
gestational candidiasis, covid-19, deciduaAbstract
Introduction: Candidal infection of the decidua is a very rare cause of premature fetal loss in pregnancy, however, aetiology has not yet been reported because of COVID-19. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection can cause severe placental lesions leading rapidly to Intrauterine Fetal Death (IUFD). However, covid related
candida infection leading to spontaneous abortion due to gestational candidiasis has not been reported.
Case Presentation: A 36-year-old 12 weeks pregnant female presented with a sudden complaint of spontaneous expulsion of a fleshy mass per vaginum which microscopically showed fragments of decidua with severe inflammation and microabscess formation consisting mainly of plasma cells and few neutrophils. Occasional chorionic villi with trophoblastic
cell necrosis, fibrinous exudate and intervillositis as evidence of previous covid-induced change could be noted.
Conclusion: Pregnant women are more susceptible to developing severe COVID-19, which can lead to pregnancy-related complications. There is very limited information on the association of COVID-19 and its direct complications to the growing fetus during pregnancy which may include preterm birth, stillbirth, or long-term complications for the newborn. Screening tests may be helpful in pregnancy keeping in mind the possibility of transmitting the virus from the mother to the fetus. Furthermore understanding the disease progression and its relationship to manifestation severity is necessary for therapeutic intervention and for reducing the associated morbidity.
How to cite this article:
Trisal M, Puri SS, Mishra J. Gestational Candidiasis due to Long COVID Leading to Spontaneous Abortion. Rec Adv Path Lab Med. 2021;7(1&2):14-17.
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