The Psychology of Perfection: Role of Social Media
Introduction: The rapid growth of social media platforms has profoundly altered how individuals perceive themselves and others, particularly concerning physical appearance. This review explores the complex interplay between social media use and body image dissatisfaction, focusing on the mechanisms through which digital platforms contribute to unhealthy eating behaviours and disorders.
Result: Results indicate a consistent link between exposure to idealised body images on social media and increased rates of body dissatisfaction, with various demographic factors influencing this relationship. Furthermore, the findings suggest that engagement with appearance- focused content correlates with unhealthy eating behaviours and th development of clinical eating disorders.
Conclusion: The conclusion underscores the urgent need for awareness
and intervention strategies, advocating for promoting positive body
image campaigns and responsible social media use to mitigate these
adverse effects. This review serves as a crucial resource for educators,
mental health professionals, and policymakers aiming to address the
complex interplay between social media, body image, and eating
How to cite this article:
Sharma A, Saini N. The Psychology of Perfection:
Role of Social Media. Rec Adv Path Lab Med.
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