A Study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Rabies Prevention among General Population of Community Residing in Chaudharywas, Hisar
Assess, Knowledge, Rabies, Prevention, General Population, CommunityAbstract
Introduction: Rabies, also known as hydrophobia, is an acute viral disease that affects central nervous system, causing acute encephalitis in warm blooded animals including mammals. The virus responsible for rabies is Lyssavirus type I (which is derived from the Greek word lyssa meaning “madness”). In 2015 Haryana government has launched
a programme to become the first State in the country to be rabies free under the National Rabies Control Programme.
Method: The research approach used for this study was quantitative research approach and pre experimental (one group pre and post-test) design. The sample size was 60 general population of community. The tool used for this study consisted of three parts. Part A (demographic data). Part B, self-structure knowledge questionnaire consist of questions
in various aspects such as general information, rabies prevention, (20 questions). Content validity of the tool was given by experts and tool found to be reliable and feasible during pilot study. PTP was given to the among general population of community following by pre-test and post-test was conducted 15 day onwards from the day of implementation
of PTP, for those who were not available in the same setting for posttest, data was collected at their community following the addresses collected during pre-test.
Result: The knowledge score 46.66% of subjects were male and 53.33% were female. Educational status 13.33% had no formal education, 15% had primary education, 28.33% had secondary and senior secondary education and 43.33% had graduation degree and above. Level of knowledge 13.33% people had poor knowledge (12 or < 12 i.e.< 40.36.66% had average knowledge (13 to 18 i.e. 41-60%), 46.66% had good knowledge (19 to 24 i.e.61-80%) and 3.33% had excellent knowledge (25 to 30 i.e. 81-100%). No personal variable was found to be associated with level of knowledge at p < 0.05 level of significance.
Conclusion: The general population of community knowledge is improve regarding Rabies prevention.
How to cite this article:
Ritu. A Study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Rabies Prevention among General Population of Community Residing in Chaudharywas, Hisar. Trends Nurs Adm Edu. 2022;11(1):16-20
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2348.2141.202203
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