Evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching Programme on knowledge of adolescent girls regarding prevention and management of iron deficiency anemia in selected English medium School Bilaspur
Background: Nowadays the young adolescent faces many problems because of their life style modifications such as eating Junk foods, fast foods, snacking, skipping of the meals which is common in urban adolescent girls.
Some are malnourished due to lack of knowledge about dietary iron, poor socio economic status, low income family which is common in rural areas and also in menstrual period the adolescent girls used to loose 45 ml of blood (i.e.) 22 mg of iron.
Even there are many blood disorders; Iron deficiency anemia is most prevalent nutritional disorders in the world today. Iron is a necessary mineral for body function and good health. But a lack of iron in the blood can lead to iron deficiency anemia, which is a very common nutritional deficiency in children & adolescents.
Objective : To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching Programme on knowledge of adolescent girls regarding prevention and management of iron deficiency anemia in selected English medium School Bilaspur.
Method : The convenient sampling technique and Structured Questionnaire was used in the study.
Result : The findings are about 38% of adolescent girls belong to age group 14.1 – 15 years, 25% of adolescent girls are in 9th standard, 25% are in 10th standard, 25% are in 11th standard and 25% are in 12th standard, 85% adolescent girls belong to Hindu religion, 48% adolescent girls have family income >30,000/-, 63% adolescent girls belong to nuclear family, 60% adolescent girl’s father were Government employee, 48% adolescent girl’s mother were housewife, 78% adolescent girls belong to urban area, 48% adolescent girls have got the information through mass media.
The Assessment of Overall pre test knowledge level of adolescent girls shows that 3% have good knowledge, 86% have average knowledge and 11% have below average knowledge.
The Assessment of Overall post test knowledge level of adolescent girls shows that 70% have good knowledge, 30% have average knowledge and 0% have below average knowledge.
There is highly significant difference between pre test and post test knowledge score as calculated t value 14.32, D.F (99) is greater than table value (1.301) at the 0.05 level of significance. This concludes that H0 is rejected.
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