Effectiveness of Psychoeducation Programme on Knowledge of Schizophrenia Among Care Givers of the Patients with Schizophrenia, Admitted in Selected Hospital of SGR
Background: Schizophrenia is one of the commonly occurring disorders, often causing a high degree of disability to the patients, as well as being stressful to the caregivers. Many people are still unaware that there are effective treatments for schizophrenia. A combination of regular medication, family education and support reduce the relapse rate from 50% to 60%. Psychoeducation interventions provide information to patients and their families as well as provide the tools necessary to cope with the disorder.
Aim: The study aimed to find the efficacy of psycho-education on knowledge regarding schizophrenia among care givers of patients by conducting pretest before intervention and posttest after intervention.
Methods: Pre-experimental one group pre-test and posttest design was used for this study. The sample of 50 care givers were selected using purposive sampling technique consists of care givers of schizophrenia patients admitted in psychiatric ward. The study was conducted at the selected state govt. hospital IMHANS Srinagar J&K India. Data was collected using structured knowledge questionnaire. The researcher first explained the aim of the evaluation and invited family members to take part. After consenting to participate in the study, family members were assessed in group of twenty five.
Result: mean knowledge score at pre-test was 8.94+5.101 and 27.66+1.814 at post test. There was significant difference in knowledge scores of pre-test and post-test p<0.001).There was no significant association between knowledge score and demographic variables.
Conclusion: There was significant gain in knowledge score of care givers. The study concluded that psycho education was effective in increasing the knowledge of care givers of schizophrenia patients. Psycho education of the family members is the key to understand about the illness and provide better care to the patient.
How to cite this article:
Kour P. Effectiveness of Psychoeducation Programme on Knowledge of Schizophrenia Among Care Givers of the Patients with Schizophrenia, Admitted in Selected Hospital of SGR. Trends Nurs Adm Edu 2020; 9(2): 1-6.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2348.2141.202002
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