A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practice of Staff Nurses regarding Patient Safety during Cardiac Cathetersation in SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar
Knowledge, Practi ce, Cardiac Catheterisati on, Staff NursesAbstract
Background: Cardiac catheterisati on is an invasive procedure used fordiagnosti c and therapeuti c purposes.
Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a structured teaching programme on staff nurses’ knowledge and practi ces regarding pati ent safety during cardiac catheterisati on at SKIMS, Soura.
Methods: A quanti tati ve one-group pre-test post-test design was used with 50 staff nurses selected via purposive sampling. Aft er ethical clearance, a pre-test was conducted, followed by an informati on booklet on day 1. A post-test was administered on day 7. Data were collected using a validated knowledge questi onnaire (r = 0.75) and practi ce checklist (r = 0.86).
Results: Most parti cipants (38%) were aged 36–40 years, 80% were female, and 54% held a B.Sc. qualifi cati on. Only 8% had 6–10 years of experience, and 60% had not att ended related workshops. Post-test knowledge scores (53.86 ± 3.04) were signifi cantly higher than pre-test scores (38.72 ± 5.09) with a mean diff erence of 15.14 (p = 0.001). Post-test practice scores (27.58 ± 1.50) also showed a signifi cant improvement (p = 0.002).
Conclusion: The structured teaching programme signifi cantly enhanced nurses’ knowledge and practi ces regarding pati ent safety during cardiac catheterisati on.
How to cite this article:
Kabir J, Kachroo M, Annu S. A Study to Assess
the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching
Programme on Knowledge and Practi ce of Staff
Nurses regarding Pati ent Safety during Cardiac
Cathetersati on in SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar. Trends
Nurs Adm Edu. 2024;13(1):1-6.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2348.2141.20240
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jahangir kabir, Muneera Kachroo, Suby Annu

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