Interdental Pyogenic Granuloma with Ossification in a Pediatric Patient - A Rare Case Report and a Mini Literature Review
Benign, Children, Histopathology, Oral lesion, Vascular NeoplasmAbstract
Pyogenic granuloma is an acquired benign proliferation of capillary blood vessels of the skin and oral cavity. Ossification in Pyogenic Granuloma is an uncommon pathology that is linked with the possible etiopathogenesis of irritation and forei gn body reaction. A 12-year-old female patient reported a chief complaint of gingival growth in the upper right back teeth region, which was initially small in size and eventually grew to attain the present size in 2 months. Clinical examinati on rev ealed a painless pinkish pedunculated growth of approximately 1.5x1 centimetre superior-inferiorly and media-laterally. The histopathological examination of the excised lesion revealed an unlikely diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma with ossific ation. The rarity of the lesion can be attributed to the possible irritation to the tooth-supporting structures caused by ro tation of the premolar. Also, ossification seen within the lesion adds to the dilemma. This case report presents a rare case of a gingival pyogenic granuloma in the interdental region adjacent to the rotated maxillary second premolar. It may have a possible etiology of trauma to interdental periodontal fibres caused by rotation of premolars due to disturbances during development.
How to cite this article:
Gupta S, Gopinath AK, Dalal R, Tandon S, Chib AS. Interdental Pyogenic Granuloma with Ossification in a Pediatric Patient - A Rare Case Report and a Mini Literature Review. J Adv Res Dent Oral Health. 2022;7(3&4):6-10.
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